Choctaw County Career and Technology Center

Plans and Procedures 2020-2021



  • Students will enter the CCCTC building through the door nearest their classroom. 
  • Student temperature checks will be initiated prior to students entering the building for first block classes.
  • Students with symptoms will be sent to quarantine station at CCHS.
  • Each program will be limited to 10 - 14 students based upon square footage in classroom.
  • Social distancing will be practiced in each classroom to the extent that it is possible.  Masks will be worn when social distancing is not possible (in hallways, restrooms, labs, etc.).
  • Clinical observations/intern hours will be limited and reviewed periodically. 
  • Classrooms will be sanitized between classes.
  • Shops, labs and restrooms will be heavily sanitized daily.
  • Multiple hand sanitizing stations and stations for water bottle refills will be provided.
  • Break will be contained within each program.